How to Enable 4K in Kinemaster?
Struggling to find the solution for enabling 4K resolution in Kinemaster. Kinemaster offers this powerful feature, but it might not be immediately accessible. This guide will show you how to enable 4K editing and export capabilities. Remember, this trick will work only on those devices that support 4K. Follow our step-by-step guide to unlock the full potential of this app.
Let Us See How We Were Able to Unlock Full HD Resolution in Kinemaster
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Now you will think that this app’s features are fake. There is nothing like that. With just one setting you can unlock the 4K editing and exportation. To do this setting you have to follow the given steps.
Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Now the question is, if our device supports 4K, how can we extend it?
Step 7

After this simple setting, you will also be able to do full HD video editing. Full HD resolution increases the quality of your video and fills it with great detail. When you edit your video and share it on social media, everyone will ask you how this video was made, its quality is amazing and this video is very beautiful.
Kinemaster supports 4K video editing. You can also edit 4K videos in this app and export videos in 4K quality. When you install Kinemaster, it checks your device performance and gives options for export settings.
Nowadays, every software supports 480p, 540p, 720p, and 1080p video quality but only some software supports 4K. Earlier 480p and 540p resolution videos were enough for normal mobiles.
But now every mobile supports visualization of at least 720p. Now the era of low resolution is over, people prefer videos with at least 720p or 1080p resolution. After some time, the era of 1080p and 1440p quality videos will also end, because the era is now 4K, 8K, and 16K, and the resolutions introduced so far.